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The best solution for your logistics

Nachhaltige Logistik

Are you looking for a reliable logistics partner?

We at LagerPlus take care of your storage, packaging and shipping so you can focus on your business.

Here you will find an overview of the costs for our fulfillment service:

Transparent and simple, like our collaboration.

We look forward to seeing you!

Präzise & Klare Kostenermittlung anhand deiner Sendungsdaten

Das gibts nur bei LagerPlus

Transparente Preisgestaltung

Für deine Planung & Kontrolle

For customers with at least 800 shipments per month, we simulate future logistics costs with LagerPlus based on previous shipment data.

This gives you the optimal price comparison with other providers based on your previous logistics data.

Process chain LagerPlus Fulfillment

Appropriation & Connection

Goods receipt & storage

Pick & pack



Customer service

Transparent prices

We rely on transparency.

This way you can easily calculate the costs for your logistics and know exactly what to expect.

Value Added Services

If Our standard services don't cover your needs, we offer a handful of add-ons for you and your company. Customizable additional services:


Automated customs clearance

Individual packaging concepts

Extended insurance for high-priced products

Special requests for packaging & Branding?

You've come to the right place!

Individual packaging

Bei uns findest du:

Automated processes




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or book an appointment:

Termin Fulfillment

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